[30DoG] Day 5: What sound are you grateful for today?

This was going to be a two-part answer for me, but then I realized that half of what I was going to say is felt, not heard. It’s the sound of my cats purring their love and affection. It doesn’t matter if it’s the louder rumbles of my boys, or Stasia’s purr that’s louder than her meow, or even Elphie’s sweetly broken and relatively soft purr. The minute they purr for me, I instantly start to feel better.

Oh, and the part that is more felt than heard? That would be the sensation of my cats’ heartbeats. Both of my boys love to stretch out across my chest to cuddle, and I can almost always feel the strong beat of their hearts right above my own. It makes me love them even more than normal.

This is part of the 30 Days of Gratitude meme.

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